Our story

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We’re new here.

2020 was a hell of a year, wasn't it? Plans interrupted, the feeling of lost time. A silver lining for me at least was the space to think. My main thought in that time? It's time.

I've danced my whole life. First as a competitor as a young child, then starting to teach as a teenager, and finally as a professional dancer and coach as an adult. As a freelancer all over the world I’ve helped many dancers to become their best, but now, with the launch of Dance Lumière, I can offer more. More classes and programs. More support and education. Most importantly, more of my love of ballroom dance. I’m excited to see the next generation of Australian dancers thrive.

So, we're new here. In 2021 we reemerge, one dance at a time. Who’s in?

Leighton Stevenson - Founder, Dance Lumière


Lights on.

Lumière in French means “light”. As dancers, we perform under them, we love seeing our names up in them. There is also a lightness of spirit when we move, a lightness of body flowing between steps and a lightness of mind when fulfilled by our art. So the name Dance Lumière feels appropriate.